Notice of Privacy

OUTLIERS CONSULTING, S.A. DE C.V (“OUTLIERS”) with address at Avenida de los Insurgentes Sur 813, Colonia Nápoles, Benito Juárez City Hall, Mexico City, 11th floor is responsible for the use and protection of your personal data.

In compliance with the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (the “Law”), its Regulations and the Guidelines of the Privacy Notice, we make our privacy notice available to you, which may be consulted in Notice of Privacy | Outliers (, in order to guarantee the protection of your personal data. If you share personal data with OUTLIERS, it will be understood that you have read and accepted the terms of the Privacy Notice and that, for any controversy or claim derived from it, you submit to the jurisdiction of the competent courts in Mexico City.


OUTLIERS will process the personal data collected, to the extent that is necessary, appropriate and relevant for the fulfillment of the following purposes: (i) preparation of service and fee proposals; (ii) provision of professional services and fulfillment of obligations; (iii) sending bulletins, informative notes, memorandums, reports and information, (iv) making queries related to the proposals and services requested or contracted; (v) procedures for the selection and hiring of personnel, collaborators, suppliers and contractors, (vi) tax and billing of the services provided, and (vii) any other compatible or analogous to the above or necessary to fulfill our corporate purpose and obligations to our charge.


OUTLIERS will collect from each owner the personal data it deems necessary for the indicated purposes, including, without limitation: (i) identification and contact data: name, address, marital status, nationality, date of birth, signature, landline and cell phone , email, CURP, and other information necessary to identify and contact the Holder; (ii) professional or labor data: profession, employment or occupation, address, telephone number, work mail and other information necessary to know the activity, line of business or business to which it is dedicated; and (iii) patrimonial or financial data: RFC code, fiscal domicile and other necessary to issue or request receipts, debit notes and invoices for the services provided. To fulfill the purposes set forth in this Privacy Notice, OUTLIERS does not require the collection of sensitive personal data.


OUTLIERS undertakes not to transfer or disclose the personal data of the owners, except when it is necessary, appropriate and relevant to fulfill the purposes of the treatment established herein. OUTLIERS will adopt and implement the necessary procedures and measures to prevent the unauthorized use or disclosure of the personal data of the owners. In an illustrative and non-limiting manner, OTLIERS may transfer or disclose the personal data of the holders to its partners, directors, attorneys-in-fact, officials, collaborators and employees in general, external advisers and consultants, creditors, business partners, suppliers and third parties that provide services. The consent of OUTLIERS will not be necessary for the transfer of your personal data in the cases provided for in article 37 of the Law.


The holders have the right to revoke their consent, limit the use or disclosure of their personal data, at any time, by means of a written request sent to or presented at the OUTLIERS Address. The request must contain: (i) the name and email of the holder, (ii) a copy of an official identification of the holder or his legal representative and, where appropriate, of the documents with which he proves his character, (iii) the clear and precise description of the scope of your revocation or limitation, and (iv) the other circumstances that facilitate the location of your personal data. Within 20 business days after receipt of the request, OUTLIERS will respond to it, by email that will be sent to the address indicated by the owner, with the understanding that it will take effect and become effective within 15 days. following business days. The holder must consider that, for certain purposes, the revocation of his consent will imply that OUTLIERS cannot continue providing services, or the conclusion of his relationship with us.

The consent of OUTLIERS will not be necessary for the processing of your personal data in the cases provided for in article 10 of the Law.


The owner has the right to access, update, rectify, cancel and oppose the processing of their personal data in terms of the Law, for which exercise they must submit a written request sent to or to the Address of OUTLIERS. The request must contain: (i) the name and email of the holder, (ii) a copy of an official identification of the holder or his legal representative and, where appropriate, of the documents with which he proves his character, (iii) the clear and precise description of the right that you intend to exercise and the personal data to which it refers, (iv) any other element or document that facilitates the location of your personal data, and (v) where appropriate, the modifications to be made and provided the documentation that supports your request. Within 20 business days of receiving the request, OUTLIERS will respond to it by email to the address indicated by OUTLIERS, with the understanding that it will take effect and become effective within 15 business days. following.


OUTLIERS will keep the personal data of the owners for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes that justified the processing of said data and while the rights or obligations that it has or could have have not expired.


OUTLIERS has implemented security measures of an administrative, physical and technological nature in order to protect the personal data of the owners.


On our website we use cookies and other technologies through which it is possible to exchange information between our website and your device’s browser. These technologies may be disabled by changing your browser’s default settings. Disabling cookies and other technologies could limit access to certain links on our website.


For the attention of any doubt or complaint regarding the Privacy Notice, OUTLIERS puts at your disposal the email The administration area will be the department responsible for processing the requests of the owners and promoting the protection of personal data within OUTLIERS


OUTLIERS reserves the right to modify or update this Privacy Notice. Any change made to our Privacy Notice will become effective the day after it is published on our website Privacy Notice | Outliers (

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Al hacer clic en “Enviar”, reconoces haber leído y estar de acuerdo con la Política de Privacidad (

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Regístrate al webinar y conoce las estrategias de conservación de talento de ventas 

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Solicita una demo de OneStream

y descubre cómo transformar la oficina de finanzas

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Cable & Wireless Communications

Descubre como la compensación estratégica maximiza los ingresos en este caso de éxito.

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Agenda una demo de Xactly

y descubre cómo maximizar el rendimiento de las ventas

Mira la demo de SAP Commissions

y descubre cómo maximizar el rendimiento de las ventas