Financial Solutions

Forecasting, Planning & Analysis

Respond faster to new market opportunities and threats with OneStream


Without good integrated business planning (IBP), organizations are slow to react or anticipate changes, which may affect the ability to keep up with competitors and creates additional challenges. Some of the challenges identified include:

The Solution

Align planning and execution

Leave behind spreadsheets and legacy solutions with fragmented applications. Outliers introduces OneStream Software, a finance platform designed by finance specialists

Easily manage global plans

Each business line can model operational drivers, forecasts and granular plans within a single platform while still complying with corporate standards.

Trust your predictions

Increase forecast accuracy with more precise data capture. No technical expertise is required to generate budgets and forecasts. OneStream offers powerful predictive models. Align planning and execution.

Speeds up decision making

Spend less time collecting data and more time analyzing how sales, production, pricing, insurance or tax changes might affect profitability and future plans.

Financial and operational planning based on premise

Leverage this feature by enabling non-financial users to adjust business and operational assumptions to drive results.

Gain visibility into how changes in sales, production, pricing, insurance or taxes affect profitability and cost.

Scenario modeling and analysis

OneStream XF offers a powerful and flexible “What If” scenarios.

  • Change the assumptions and adjust to visualize the impact on the entire budget.
  • Model scenarios until the correct perspective is achieved
  • Perform sensitivity analyses and leverage dashboards to align financial and business plans for IBP executive reviews.

Transparency for compliance and control

Change control and management

With OneStream you will know who changed what information and when. You can easily compare different versions of the same budget.

All information living on a single platform

A more agile process to respond quickly and easily to change

The hallmark of OneStream’s SmartCPM solution is the ability to unite multiple solutions within a single application for end-to-end finance processes.

Leave behind copy and paste

Actuals, budgets, forecasts, plans, scenario models and profitability analyses are all within a single platform.

Eliminate risky integrations, validations, and reconciliations

When you have multiple applications and modules the risk is higher, and collaboration is very difficult. Meet OneStream, the best unified platform on the market for finance.

IBP is a management framework designed to align planning with execution and create a focus between finance, sales, operations, marketing and human resources.

With full organizational engagement, IBP goes beyond traditional S&OP, it also incorporates what’s happening outside the business with competition and consumer trends in order to develop organizational strategy.

Extended Analysis & Integrated Business Planning (IBP)

OneStream extends your business planning processes. Download, configure and deploy additional applications without increasing your licensing costs.

Generates a staggered return on investment as your organization’s business needs to evolve

People Planning

Plan all elements of human capital by using dynamic assumptions and calculations to project the costs of new hires and changes in compensation, benefits, taxes, travel, expenses, etc. to gain insight into their impact on cash-flow.

Cash Planning

Create cash forecasts by understanding the impact of all sources and uses of cash, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, investments, capital expenditures, financing and more.

Sales Planning

Smart alignment between customers, products, pricing and sales targets with financial plans in a unified platform.

Capex Planning

Plan for expected cash, financing, maintenance and depreciation associated with capital expenditures.

Thing Planning

Include product line planning, projects, demand forecasting, operational planning, and alignment with the financial model.

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Cable & Wireless Communications

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y descubre cómo maximizar el rendimiento de las ventas

Mira la demo de SAP Commissions

y descubre cómo maximizar el rendimiento de las ventas