Cybersecurity and Compliance

Shield your company’s core system with SAP

Make sure users are who they say they are

Automated and integrated Risk Management and Compliance

For all growing companies, digital transformation is a priority that doesn’t come without somerisks. Whether you work with cloud, on-premises or hybrid solutions, the concerns are the same: fraud, data protection and audit costs among others.

At Outliers we build a comprehensive solution to protect your business according to the maturity of your project. We are expert in SAP Solutions and help you:

Governance, identity, and access

Give access to applications and services that you teams need, while protecting your data from an unwanted use

Manage access by position and responsibilities within the organization

Simplify and automate the way access to business applications is managed, whether it is on the cloud or on-premises, with controls based on roles and attributes.

Identify toxic combinations in segregation of duties

Fix access violations with role management, privileged access, or emergency access. Continuously monitor users and applications for risks.

Establish policies and procedures and always be clear about who owns the information

Supports comprehensive identity management and access governance. Detect and mitigate latent financial loss risks.

Solutions: SAP Identity Management, SAP Access Control, SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance

Risk and compliance

Get early predictive insights on anomalies and risks

Monitor activities at a data level

Receive alerts when data changes occur outside of pre-established times and get details on those changes.

Manage your policy the life cycle

Trigger evaluation campaigns with reminders in each update of your policies. Ensure policies and external audits (such as SOX) compliance.

Solutions: SAP Process Control, SAP Risk Management

Spread your policies throughout your organization with HXM Success Factor training solutions. Contact us for more information

Cybersecurity and data protection

Your data is as secure as the applications they are hosted in. Today’s threats are more organized. A single defect in any of the components, functions, or infrastructure of an application, can open the door to an intruder

Protect your company’s reputation and intellectual property and keep systems secure in an ever-evolving threat environment with powerful and flexible detection, monitoring, and response capabilities

Prevent information leakage

Identify suspicious activities and violations (hacking, phishing) as they occur and react faster to neutralize the threat and minimize damage OUTLIERS also supports you with data vulnerability tests.

Mask your data

Implement additional locks with masking features. Your data remains intact and can't be seen by unauthorized persons. Protect highly sensitive information by requiring additional approval or authentication.

Ensure the integrity of your information

Identify latent actions based on historical data to prevent and remedy information leakage and fraud risk. Some features are risk detection calibration with scenario simulations and trading partner blacklists.

Identify code gaps

Receive alerts from the moment you are programming and avoid ambiguities in the code to optimize performance and mitigate the risks of attacks. Scan the source code and speed up the verification of development objects such as SQL injection, ABAP code, commands, back doors etc...


  • SAP Enterprise Threat Detection
  • UI data protection masking
  • UI data protection logging
  • SAP Business Integrity Screening
  • SAP Code Vulnerability Analyzer

Business continuity

At any time, your business can face an emergency or unexpected event that compromises your systems, such as a natural catastrophe, a pandemic, or a cyber-attack.

There are multiple scenarios: from systems and data loss to building and event human resources loss. Having detailed plans to deal with these situations makes it possible to guarantee the continuity of your operations. At Outliers we offer comprehensive services covering:

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Descubre como máximizar el rendimiento de las ventas

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Descarga nuestro caso de éxito con Quala

Conoce cómo alcanzaron una total transformación en su oficina de finanzas con una solución de Corporate Performance Management

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Descarga nuestro caso de éxito con Sky

Conoce cómo alcanzaron una total transformación en su oficina comercial con una solución de gestión de comisiones

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Descubre como la compensación estratégica maximiza los ingresos en este caso de éxito.

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Mira el webinar y escucha sobre los beneficios de dejar Hyperion Financial Management

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¿Ha llegado el momento de abandonar Hyperion? Descarga el WhitePaper y descúbrelo

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Descarga el Caso de éxito de Herbalife Nutrition

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¿Hyperion está obstaculizando tu potencial? Descarga el eBook y descúbrelo

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Descubre los riesgos y costos derivados del uso de hojas de cálculo para la gestión de compensación de incentivos

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Regístrate al webinar y conoce las estrategias de conservación de talento de ventas 

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Solicita una demo de OneStream

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Cable & Wireless Communications

Descubre como la compensación estratégica maximiza los ingresos en este caso de éxito.

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y descubre cómo maximizar el rendimiento de las ventas

Mira la demo de SAP Commissions

y descubre cómo maximizar el rendimiento de las ventas