We have the largest number of referencable Xactly projects in Latin America.

Our leading position in referencable Xactly projects is due to our extensive experience, commitment to quality, and customer satisfaction.

Simplificando la gestión de comisiones Contamos con el mayor número de proyectos Xactly referenciables en América Latina​
Simplificando la gestión de comisiones Tenemos experiencia en integración de Xactly con otras suites​

We have experience integrating Xactly with other suites.

We have experience in optimal native integrations with SAP ERP and Salesforce, thanks to the benefits of Xactly Connect and its adaptability to other ecosystems. By combining the power of Xactly Incent and Salesforce, we provide the ability to optimize and manage your entire compensation program without leaving Salesforce.

Our team holds the most Xactly certifications in Latin America.

We have invested in the development of our staff, ensuring they are fully certified in Xactly to guarantee a deep understanding of the platform.

Simplificando la gestión de comisiones Nuestro equipo cuenta con más certificaciones en Xactly en Latinoamérica​

On-demand packages

We have developed packages based on identifying common processes that recur across various clients. Instead of implementing them individually, we have created packages to automate these processes, reduce implementation times, and provide agile and highly customized solutions.

Custom Packages

If your compensation plans are highly complex, involve a large number of transactions, and have many components, this option is for you.

Standardized Packages

If you want to improve implementation times and gain greater agility, this option is suitable for you.

Contact us at for more information about the packages or to schedule a session.

Here's what Xactly looks like in action

Xactly offers an intuitive and accessible user interface that enables users to navigate the platform effectively and effortlessly.

Ready to learn more?

Así se ve Xactly en acción Simplificando la gestión de comisiones

How We Help Our Xactly Clients

Our clients are a guarantee of your success.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about Xactly

Xactly is a compensation and sales performance management platform that helps companies optimize the management of incentives and commissions for their sales force. It benefits companies by automating compensation calculations, reducing errors, and increasing efficiency in commission administration. Additionally, it allows for the customization of compensation plans to align with strategic objectives and provides analytical tools to assess and improve sales performance. Xactly enables data-driven decision-making, which can enhance sales team motivation and ultimately drive company growth.

Xactly offers a range of key features for compensation and sales performance management, including precise automation of compensation and commission calculations, customization of incentive plans aligned with strategic goals, detailed performance analytics and reporting, integration with CRM and ERP systems for real-time data, and a scalable platform that adapts to businesses of various sizes and industries. These features enable companies to improve efficiency in compensation management, make data-driven decisions to motivate sales teams and maximize their performance, and ultimately drive growth and success in their operations.

You should consider implementing Xactly in your company if you face challenges in managing compensation and sales performance. If you encounter issues with accurate commission calculations, customizing incentive plans, generating performance reports, or automating processes, Xactly could be a beneficial solution. Additionally, if your company aims to enhance sales team motivation and performance, optimize efficiency, and reduce errors in compensation management, then considering Xactly implementation could be a strategic decision.

Implementing Xactly involves assessing needs and objectives, customizing the platform, configuring and testing, training staff, and gradual rollout. This process may vary depending on the specific needs of the company.

The differences between Xactly and other variable compensation solutions on the market can include the breadth of its focus and customization, the robustness of its analytics and reporting capabilities, its integration with CRM and ERP systems, and its scalability to accommodate businesses of various sizes and industries. Xactly tends to be highly customizable and sales-focused, which can be ideal for companies with specific needs in sales compensation management. Additionally, its emphasis on performance analytics and its integration capabilities with existing systems can set it apart from other solutions. However, the choice should be based on your company’s unique needs and a detailed comparison with other available options in the market.

We offer comprehensive support throughout the evaluation, implementation, and beyond. This includes assessing Xactly’s suitability for your company, customizing the platform, training staff, and providing ongoing support to ensure long-term success.

The time to implement Xactly can vary depending on the complexity, number of transactions, and components involved. However, at Outliers Consulting, we have packages designed to accelerate the implementation process.

Yes, Xactly is suitable for companies of various sizes and industries. The Xactly platform is scalable and can be tailored to the needs of small, medium, and large enterprises. Its flexibility and customization capabilities make it appropriate for a range of industries, including technology, sales, financial services, healthcare, and more. However, choosing Xactly or any other variable compensation solution should be based on a detailed assessment of your company’s specific needs and objectives to ensure it fits optimally within your particular context.


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Cable & Wireless Communications

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